July 27, 2024

Understanding Taxi Apps Like EasyTaxi in Brazil

Taxi Apps Like EasyTaxi in Brazil

To understand Easy Taxi in Brazil, take their app downloads and churn rates in the same place and compare the reasons behind their expansion. However, there are many other ways to see the real numbers behind a taxi business backed by a mobile application. In this blog, you will learn more about Easy Taxi along with their business model and unique set of features as well.


Back in Brazil in 2011, Easy Taxi launched in the Play and App Stores and quickly became the next big ‘Uber’ due to their model of partnering with local drivers. Along with this, they also had the opportunity to analyze the market and see the commission rates of different cities, the amount of online bookings and the nature of the people when it comes to ride-hailing and ride-sharing apps. Let’s understand their business model in detail:

Easy Taxi Business Model

A mobile application is the front face of a business especially on-demand ones that do everything online. In the same way, Easy Taxi dealt with the majority of their customers and drivers via their apps. As mentioned earlier, they became popular because of not hiring new drivers but partnering with traditional ones to handle surge bookings. After all, no one wants an inexperienced driver to show their newly launched business.

Furthermore, Easy Taxi has a wide range of mobile apps covering several sub-panels to streamline their business processes. For instance, the nearest available driver would get the first request which would be recorded in the panel. The same goes for the customer as it cancels the ride showing the reasons why did it happened so that it doesn’t happen again.

By being available on the Easy Taxi app, the active taxi fleets can receive ride requests directly from customers who are using the same app to book rides. Overall, it’s a super convenient way, and it helps both parties to stay ahead of any competitors nearby. Furthermore, the app also provides several useful features to its users and drivers.

Funding and Expansion

Easy Taxi got massive funding of $4.9 million just one year after launch. More money in this stage directly translates into better investment in app UI and more hiring for business expansions. If done right, the app would get more downloads and subsequent reviews which must be resolved by a dedicated support team. As of now, Easy Taxi has also opened its services in Asia and Latin America.

It is all about smart distribution to make the most of the limited number of places coupled with robust server management. You don’t want your app to crash in the middle of the trip otherwise everything would be gone in an instant. The business model prevents it from happening and lets the business itself to play it by some set rules.

Competition From Uber and 99

With the rise of on-demand apps in Brazil, there are several taxi apps offering niche service from luxury cars to intercity travels. Two of the major competitors are apps called 99 and Uber. Like Easy Taxi, these apps request and book rides with the help of an app. That means a user can book a new taxi if no drivers are available nearby in the Easy Taxi app.

Direct competition like this is the reason why on-demand apps have grown significantly in terms of user interface and number of features. They have grown both in terms of size and services as well. Super apps offering several taxi services along with on-demand deliveries have also been game changes in major counties as well. However, finding taxis in Brazil within seconds at any given time is a result of hours of hard work by frontend and backend designers and developers. This is rare to find as programming an app itself demands great complexity and attention to detail.

The Future is Taxi On-Demand

A professional white-label firm can provide you with valuable insights and data analytics derived from a Taxi Booking App. Heard about Clone apps? With these clone apps at your disposal, you can make the most of your app development business. Being a business owner don’t waste your time developing a taxi app like Easy Taxi in Brazil, from scratch.

Instead, find a company that offers white-labeling. It is the process of re-branding an app, website and several different ready-made panels. Technically, you would be buying pre-built solutions not creating apps from scratch and that has been a popular and emerging development solution in the recent age.

Being more focused towards your business objectives yields the great power of apps. You would be more streamlined in advance and your customers would get everything from one place. This is mainly the reason why you need a clone app to solve all your app design and development needs.

Lastly, AI and machine learning have contributed towards making the algorithm for booking on-demand apps smarter than ever. Apps of today are finding patterns in the lifestyles of their users to send helpful recommendations and tips acquiring more bookings in the process. In the next decade or so, apps will become more prevalent than they have become today thanks to big technological companies and AI models.


Easy Taxi has made its name in Brazil taxi app ecosystem due to a wide range of factors all contributing towards it success. From a user-friendly taxi app, responsive website and a robust admin panel, you can achieve the same level of appreciation among your customers and drivers in an instant. All you have to do is to find a clone app development companies or better yet professional white-label firm.